Twin Cities

Inter-city links at present have become a priority in  interaction with municipalities. Within the municipal bodies of power the need for exchange of the best practices and representation of their interests at the international level is growing from year to year. 

International and inter-municipal cooperation is developing through expanding the content and enhancing the interaction between the cities with the aim of exchange of experience, elaborating consolidated city development policy in all essential aspects, presenting the policy at regional and federal levels and lobbying the interests of local governments.

Participation in the twinned cities links and international a swell as inter-municipal associations and organizations helps to find the ways and forms of international cooperation which will benefit the cities through providing  access to  international experience, involvement into the world communities of the cities as well as promote the social, cultural and industrial potential of the city

In no way Perm is ignoring the above  processes.  The city is actively  taking part in international and interregional cooperation. 

Perm has 6 twin-cites:

LOUISVILLE (the Unites States of America)
OXFORD (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 
DUISBURG (Federal Republic of Germany) 
AGRIGENTO (Italian Republic) 
QINGDAO (People’s Republic of China)

Perm has established official partnership with 7 Russian cities, based on the signed agreements. It is a member of  8 unions and organizations of local governments and has tight links with 4 associations on international and national levels.

Perm is very active in promoting people’s diplomacy. Efficient cooperation with twin cities makes it possible to use international experience and best practices for further social and economic development of the city, to promote  understanding between residents of Perm and twin cities based on common values. 

In 2017, the city of Perm won in the International Activity Survey held by the Eurasian Section of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) among cities with population of 1,000,000 or more.