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19 April, 13:19
Perm to hold an International Conference devoted to the Chinese Language Day

The conference “Culture Dialogue: Russia and China on the new  Silk Way” will be held on April 19, 2019 at Perm State National Research University (Perm, Bukireva, 15, building 5, r.74) opening at 10/00 pm. 

The  conference plenary meeting will look into update on Chinese language in the Perm Region as well as  more general topics such as the studies on history, philosophy and culture of China and the development of Russian-Chinese relations. 

The plenary will be followed by three sections, namely “Linguistics”, “Literature and Culture” and “Teaching Techniques for Russian as a Foreign Language”. 

The conference organizing committee is headed by  Professor Boris Kondakov, the Dean of Philology Faculty at Perm State National Research University.

Participation  in the conference is free. Everybody who is interested is welcome. 

The conference is jointly organized by  Philology Faculty of PSNRU, Nanchang University (China), Shandong University (China), Perm Gymnasium No 2 and Perm Chinese Friendship Society.
