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City Development

Industries & Economic Development

Perm is an administrative and economic center of the Perm Region. It ranks high  among the Russian cities and takes the leading positions in the region in many indicators. A special feature of the economy are very close technological and economic links of the city’s enterprises and companies with their partners in the neighboring regions. 

The city demonstrates leading positions in the region for business activities. 

The main competitive advantages of the city are:

- the high industrial and economic development; 
- location of large industrial enterprises with in the city;
- beneficial location at the cross-roads of major transportation routes, availability of waterways;
- a high innovative potential and production culture, especially in high-tech industries;
- an efficient  staffing system to meet the needs of the city’s economy; 
- availability of highly-qualified workforce, among all, in  the leading economy sectors;
- adequate infrastructure for small and medium businesses development;
- high paying capacity of the population as a potential for consumer market development;
- high level of financial independence of the city’s budget 

In 2016 the turnover of companies (excluding small and medium sector) amounted to  994.1  billion rubles, total volume of sales (own production and services)    reached  684.2  billion rubles.

Manufacturing, wholesale and retail industries, vehicle repairs, electricity, water and gas production and distribution are the most important industries  in the city.

Perm City produces more than half of sales volumes of goods and services in the Perm Region: in manufacturing industries the city’s  portion amounts to  56.6%, and in energy, gas and water production and distribution  it rises to  57.24%.

Financial results of the  city organizations in 2016  account for  100789.7 mln rubles,  average wages at large and medium-scale enterprises  reached  38847.3 rubles.

Capital investments in 2016 amounted  to 82.5  billion rubles, making per capita of  79.2 thousand rubles.

Being an integral part of regional strategic development programme,  Perm City  is highly involved into developing innovative territorial clusters. One of them is an engineering cluster  “Technopolis “NovyZvezdny”, based on three leading industries: rocket and aircraft engines  manufacturing and  power  engineering.  

 This cluster  brings together the educational and research resources of the region and is characterized by historically  strong  production cooperation between its members: PAO “Proton-PM”, OAO “Permsky Motorny Zavod”, OAO “Aviadvigatel”,  OAO  NPO “Iskra”, OAO PZ “Mashinostroitel”, OAO “PNPPK”,     ОАО ZAO “Energetika”, ZAO “Iskra-Avigas” .

The key projects of the cluster include:

• Rocket engine building: creating a modern production complex to build rocket engines (parts and units for a new generation engineRD-191 to be used in  ANGARA launch vehicles, which are an important part of the future Russian space transportation programme).

• Aircraft engines production:  organizing production of PD-14 turbojet engines for Russian MS-21 aircraft .

The first pilot engine has already been assembled at the Perm engine-building  plant. The project implementation is actively supported by the United Engine-Building Corporation and Oboronprom Corporation. 

• Power engineering:  organizing production of gas-turbine power stations with  capacity between 2.5 and 25 MW and possible further increase to  40 MW.

The enterprises involved into the cluster in collaboration with Perm  National Research Polytechnic University, using the testing site of PAO “Proton-PM”,  have built a multi-purpose adaptive ecology-friendly testing facility  for gas-turbine engines of 10 to 40 MW capacity. The facility provides for higher testing level within the industry. 

2. “Photonika” fibre-optic technology cluster is a group of interrelated companies specializing in photonics and optoelectronic equipment.  The anchor  production of the cluster is represented by OAO PNPPK (Perm Science-and-Production Equipment Building Company).

The cluster products include :

Equipment for transport, navigation and moving objects monitoring  •fibre-optic gyroscopes• navigation, routing and toponymy binding systems.

Communication and telemetry • special-purpose optic fibres • fibre-optic cables• photonic integral microchips• fibre-optic sensors• monitoring systems for industrial and civilian sites.

Natural resources extraction •   sensors and systems for engineering control .

Power industry  •  electric field and electric current transformers fibre-optic sensors and systems 

Medicine and health  •lazers• fibre-optic sensors for micro-surgery