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20 September, 15:39
The winner of Perm International Marathon has shown this year’s best result in Russia
Photo by Vitaly Koksharov

The 3rd Perm International Marathon Organising Committee presented the results of the event which gathered around  9,200 participants. 

The marathon started on September 8, 2019 with runners taking distances  of  10.5, 21.1 and 42.195 kilometers. 

The absolute winner in men for  42.195 distance was Alexander Novikov (Chuvashia) showing the results of  2 hours 20 minutes, followed by Alexander Pavlenin( St.Petersburg) and Andrey Smirnov (Perm). Women’s best runner Tatiana Arkhipova (Chuvashia) showed the Russian record of 2 hours 30 minutes, followed by Maria Osokina (Perm) and  Tatiana Aryasova (Chuvashia).

Half-marathon distance (21.1 km) in men  was won by Vladimir Nikitin from Perm,  followed by Mikhail Maksimov (Chuvashia) and Aleksey Poltanov (Izhevsk).  Women’s best result was shown by Alexandra Zhavoronkova from Toljatti, second – by Evdokia Bukina (Chelyabinsk) and third – by Maria Berezhnaya (Serov).

The absolute marathon champions received 500,000 rbls certificates and money prizes were handed  to other sportsmen as well. Just to note – this year the money prizes for places 2-6 in marathon distance and 1-3 in half-marathon were increased. 

The morning  programme also included a 200 meter distance in wheelchairs. During the day  the event gathered the largest number of participants in 5 and 3 km distances, with 870 and 3358 runners respectively. Children competed in 1.5 km distance and  a special “UniSport” race of 750 m invited  young runners of pre-school sport clubs , with around 560 children taking part. 

The  overall number of marathon participants totaled 9,200 and thousands of residents came to cheer them  along the race track. 

The event was commented by Dmitry Guberniev, the famous Russian radio and TV sports presenter and Vadim Zlobin, master of sports and All-Russian Athletics Federation delegate. 

- “It’s my third Perm Marathon. I have traveled a lot of places and know how the marathons are  organized in Ufa, Lipetsk and other Russian regions – they all however use the experience gained in Perm. Organization in Perm is just perfect, participation is very high, including children and young people. The number of participants is rapidly growing from year to year and the residents are extremely  enthusiastic in supporting the event.    . I feel very much inspired and I enjoy being here a lot. This is a real festival of sports and long live the Perm Marathon!” -  Dmitry Gubrniev noted. 
