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29 September, 16:26
Photos exhibition “Oxford through the photos taken by the Permians”

Photos exhibition “Oxford through the photos taken by the Permians”

Through the time of Oxford-Perm friendship link there has been a lot of visits from Perm to Oxford that involved the City of Perm residents and leaders of voluntary organizations who met their counterparts in Oxford to share experience.  

In the photos taken by Raisa Gurina, Kira Solovyova, Evgeniya Krutikova and Evgeniya Tarunina one can see  the residents of Oxford and community centers, learn about English traditions, enjoy the views of Oxford’s finest buildings. 

The exhibition has been organized by “Perm-Oxford” Voluntary Partnership under the project “Perm and Oxford: Friendship through the quarter of the century” that became the winner of the XXII Social Projects Competition “The City Is Us”. The project is implemented by “The Friendship House” Perm Regional Voluntary Organisation  in partnership with the Gorky Perm Regional Library, Modern Foreign Languages Faculty of Perm State University and Perm English Language Teachers’ Association (PELTA) 

The exhibition is opened in the Arts Lobby at Gorky Perm Regional Library September 25- November 30. 2020 

