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18 June, 20:17
Alexey Demkin presented international cooperation experience of Perm in the Russian State Duma.
Photo by All-Russia Municipalities Congress

Mayor of Perm presented a report at the committee session of All-Russia Municipalities Congress, reporting on the experience of Perm City and making proposals on improving legal regulations in the international activities of local authorities. 

Mayor Alexey Demkin became the only local authority head  who was invited to speak at the committee session of the All-Russia Municipalities Congress (ARMC) which was held in the Russian State Duma on June 18, 2021.  The meeting was attended by representatives of Russian regions and municipalities, specialists form Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Justice and other federal institutions. 

The  Mayor’s report  covered   successful experiences of cooperation with the 6 twin cities of Perm, which include  Amnéville (France), Louisville (the USA),Oxford (the UK), Qingdao (China), Agrigento (Italy) and Duisburg (Germany). 

The ARMC President Victor Kidyaev  pointed out that Perm is well-known for its extended international links. He noted that the experience of Perm will be taken in the account in the activities of ARMC.  The participants of the session also noted the quality of the English web-site of the city. 

Alexey Demkin presented the proposals worked out by the administration of Perm aimed at improving legal regulation of international activities of the local authorities. 

– Relations of Perm with its twin cities has been developing very successfully through many years and cover a variety of areas as well as a lot of efficient projects.  It is worth noting that despite the difficulties in the international arena, none of our twin cities refused the cooperation, and, what is more, the links in many areas, such as  ecology, archive, youth policy and other are  getting more strength.  This can be explained by the fact that  we were able, as other municipalities, to build  “a field of trust” which helps us continue the open  dialogue with international partners”, said Alexey Demkin.

As the Mayor commented, the pandemic resulted in an active and efficient use of Internet and digital resources, which were less demanded  earlier.  An  important methodological and informational support in this was provided by the Russian Foreign Ministry Representation in Yekaterinburg. 
