Souvenir postcards project to join the finals of “Tourist souvenir” competition
The postcards are displayed in arrival lounge of the Perm airport where the city visitors can pick them free of charge. The “Tourist Souvenir of the Volga Area” finals will be held in Perm on September 22-23, 2021 bringing together about 300 finalists from 12 regions of the Volga Area.
The souvenir postcards project initiated by the Department for Economic Development and Industrial Policy of Perm City Administration will take part in the finals of the competition in “The city souvenir” nomination. Visitors to the city can pick up free postcards, as well as information flyers and the city centre map at a special rack in arrivals lounge of the airport. The postcards feature the most known city objects and sights -the Art Gallery, the Rotunda, The Opera House, “The Permian-Salty Ears” monument. The information pack will be regularly updated.
The “Tourist souvenir” All-Russia competition is a special award supported by Rostourism, Russian National Tourism Promotion Agency, held annually since 2015 as a two- stage competition involving the regional stages and the finals. The participants’ project proposals are first assessed and short-listed by the expert jury online, followed by the finalists’ off-line presentations in the final stage. The competition is held in 11 official nominations.
The “Tourist Souvenir of the Volga Area” finals will be held in Perm on September 22-23, 2021 and will bring together about 300 finalists from 12 regions of the Volga Area.