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14 April, 09:19
Perm High School No2 has been rated among eight model federal schools in Russia
Photo by Vitaly Koksharov.

High School No 2  Director Lyudmila Sukhanova   presented the “Lean School” project in a meeting with Mayor of Perm Aleksey Demkin. The project aims at  introducing technologies  to improve  work conditions for teachers and schoolchildren. 

Mayor of Perm Aleksey Demkin met High School No 2  Director Lyudmila Sukhanova,  the meeting was  joined by vice-mayor Anatoly Gribanov, Head of Education Department Anna Demeneva and  some school teachers.  

Lyudmila Sukhanova stated that the “Lean School” project has been under implementation since 2018 and involved a number of project groups working actively to improve the teaching, to introduce creativity into the classroom and update the materials.   About 32 smaller projects and 20 proposals have been implemented, which led to higher work environment satisfaction among the school staff. 

One example of the project’s outcome is visual navigation in the school building: the stairs are supplied  with multiplication table to memorize, there are navigation signs on the floor, as well as 10 signs written in Chinese to help foreign visitors.   The aim of the project is to raise the quality and   efficiency of labour.  Lyudmila Sukhanova also noted that the High School was rated among the 8 model federal educational institutions in Russia. 

– This is the evidence of the highest recognition and is, no doubt, well-deserved one, as the whole teaching staff, being the trend-setters and pioneers in education, manage to constantly keep up the highest standards – and this is why Perm education is considered one of the best in this country.  I am convinced that this will continue in the future, “said Mayor Demkin. 

The High School Director emphasized that within the Lean Project in Russia only two schools were ranked as model schools in implementing lean technologies in education – High School No 2 in Perm and the multi-functional lyceum-boarding school in the city of Kemerovo. 

High School No2  has been ranked a model  educational institution teaching oriental languages and culture.  Its international partners are  Toyota Engineering Corporation,  Japanese Advanced Foreign Language School,  Beijing Headquarters of Confucius Institute,  Chinese Oil University and others. 
