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14 July 2023 года

Perm residents are invited to visit the ecological trail «In the footsteps of Mindovsky»

The nature trail runs through the territory of the Serebryansky Park in the valley of the Danilikha River, between the Industrial and Sverdlovsky city districts.

13 July 2023 года

An event to honour the couples who have been married for over 50 years was organised in Perm

17 Perm families were awarded a special memorial medal «For preservation of family values» introduced by the Decree of the Perm Region Governor Dmitry Makhonin.

12 July 2023 года

First school «Boiling Point» to open in Perm

The «Boiling Point -school SinTez», the first collective workspace for schoolchildren opened in the chemical-technological school «SinTez» in Perm

5 July 2023 года

Swimming the Kama in Perm

60 people took part in the sportive event. The swim was timed to the 300th anniversary of Perm and was held within the project «Kama swimming», which is the winner of the XXV city competition of socially significant projects «The City is Us».

3 July 2023 года

Perm celebrated the anniversary of conferring the honorary title «City of Labor Valour»

The honorary title «City of Labor Valor» was awarded to Perm in the year of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.